Kayari Yerba Mate

We make the commitment to offer the highest quality of our products to obtain the extreme satisfaction of each sip watered. We focus on respecting the authentic culture thanks to the knowledge we received. Our business model aims at  fair, sustainable and ecological practices.

Kayari vision

Creating without limits new ways of spreading happiness, love, and respect between people and nature. Reconnecting people together with good vibes,   authenticity and healthy habits.

Learn how to prepare Yerba Mate

Natural boost

Source of energy

Mateina procures healthy energy that lasts twice longer than coffee. It also allows better sports performances and burns more fat during exercise.

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Mental focus

Natural stimulator of the central nervous system promoting mental activity and concentration.

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Burn fat and reduce apetite

Drinking Yerba Mate reduces appetite and helps the body to burn fat.

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Improve your

Skin appearance

The polyphenols in the Yerba Mate act as a skin protector against aging.

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Antioxidant & vitamins

Consuming Yerba Mate provides the body with large quantities of polyphenols, B-group vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and xanthines.

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Cardiovascular protection

Yerba Mate dilates the blood vessels and allows a better blood circulation.

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Our story

The seed was planted in 2015, during our first trip to Argentina. At that time, we never imagined the significant impact these travels would have on our lives. Throughout our stay in South America, we enjoyed the affectionate welcome of locals and enthusiastically learned about the local culture and traditions. Charmed by the philosophy of sharing we integrated into our lives the holy Guarani drink called Yerba Mate. This daily habit became straight away a faithful companion providing an endless source of positive energy. Back home, we identified a lack of offer in the market with growing demand. Our desire is to spread the values behind the drink and to build a sustainable business model.

  • Meet our team

    We are twins brothers from belgium and very passionate about Yerba Mate. Our goal is to promote this amazing beverage to the european market.

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  • Discover Kayari Art

    Enter inside our world and discover the magic univers of Kayari! Every drawing are made by Nolas, Co-founder of Kayari.

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  • Sustainable products

    We make the commitment to offer sustainable products, from the origin to the end destination.

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Our partners

We work with a number of stores specializing in Yerba Mate. We'd like to thank them for the excellent work they do, and we're delighted to have such a close relationship with them! If you need any advice on Yerba Mate, don't hesitate to ask them - they're sure to help!

  • Hola Maté Strasbourg

    "Passionate about the world of mate and its values, sharing is fundamental to us. At Hola Maté, we advise you to offer you the best possible experience, the one that's right for you."

  • Want to be Partner?

    We look forward to working with you! Just fill in our contact form with your intentions and motivations, and we'll arrange a telephone call to get to know each other better.
